
Graduate students work in professor Claire White's lab


CEE at Princeton is a small, dynamic department that provides exciting research opportunities, strong classroom education, and an intellectually rich university environment.


graduate students
Two graduate students fit together parts of a laser setup in the Zondlo lab

Dozens of collaborative partners

Circular web showing network of collaborators with Princeton CEE

Graduate students in CEE work closely with their faculty advisors in a creative and productive environment. Through design, modeling, laboratory, and field research, students focus on the most important scientific and technical challenges that society faces. They lead papers in top journals with rigorous and quantitative analyses, and present their work at major conferences. They are educated deeply in their areas of expertise but also broadly through our campus-wide collaborations that take full advantage of the opportunities at Princeton University. Our students are highly sought after and well prepared for careers in academia, national labs and industry.




publish as first author in major journals
Peter Jaffe collects soil samples with two female graduate students


go on to academic careers
A graduate student in a red canoe pulls water from a lake for sampling

Our faculty members are world renowned for their research to address key challenges in

  • Sustainable, Resilient Cities and Infrastructure Systems
  • Water, Climate and Energy
  • Mechanics, Materials and Structures
  • Hydrology and the Atmospheric Environment
  • Chemistry, Biology and Technology
  • Architecture, Arts and Archaeology

This work spans areas of critical societal importance in the natural and built environments, involving interdisciplinary and international collaborations. The CEE Department at Princeton is truly an exciting place for graduate studies!