Branko Glisic

Chair and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Associated Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Office Phone
E205 Engineering Quad

PhD          Civil Engineering and Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL) 2000

BSc          Theoretical Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics 1996

BCE          Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering 1994

Concurrent University Appointments
  • Faculty Associate, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, Princeton University
  • Associated Faculty, The Andlinger Center for Energy and Environment, Princeton University
  • Executive Committee for the Program (Certificate) in Architecture and Engineering
  • Associated Faculty, Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM)
  • Associated Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Honors, Awards, DISTINCTIONS
  • 2018 ISHMII Fellow, by International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure
  • 2014 Highly Commended Award, CIOB International Innovation & Research Awards, by The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), UK
  • 2013 The Structural Health Monitoring Person of the Year Award, by the editorial board, associate editors, and editors of Structural Health Monitoring: An International Journal
  • 2011 Excellence in Teaching Award, by Undergraduate and Graduate Engineering Council (E-Council) of Princeton University
  • 2017 Literary Achievement Award, Book of the Year 4th Place, by International Bank Note Society (hobby)

areas of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), Smart Structures, and Heritage Structures.
His focus is on advanced sensing technologies, universal SHM methods, data analysis & management, and prognostics and decision-making theory; smart kinetic, deployable and adaptable structures; holistic analysis of heritage structures, and engineering and the arts. Dr. Glisic research includes long-gauge and distributed fiber optic sensors (FOS), 2-D sensing sheets based on large area electronics (LAE), 3-D sensing techniques based on radio-frequency tags (RF-tags), sensors based on conductive polymers, and ground penetrating radar (GPR); numerical, analytical, and model-free techniques based on structural analysis and machine learning for structural and material identification, characterization of unusual behaviors and prediction of structural performance; documentation, integration and visualization using Virtual Tours, Information Modelling, and Augmented Reality (VT/IM/AR). His application domains include concrete, steel, and masonry structures: bridges, buildings, pipelines, coastal protections, and historical buildings, monuments, and sites.


CEE 312 Statics of Structures
CEE 463/CEE 263/GLS 263 A Social and Multi-Dimensional Exploration of Structures
CEE 537 Structural Health Monitoring
CEE 538 / ART 538 Holistic Analysis of Heritage Structures
EGR 156 Foundations of Engineering: Multivariable Calculus
EGR 102 Engineering in the Modern World (precept)
HUM 417 / ART 408 / CEE 415 / HLS 417 Historical Structures: Ancient Architecture's Materials, Construction and Engineering


Selected Publications