Denise Mauzerall

William S. Tod Professor of Public and International Affairs and Civil and Environmental Engineering
Office Phone
445 Robertson Hall

PhD         Atmospheric Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Science Department, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts 1996.

MA          Atmospheric Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Science Department, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts 1992.

MS          Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 1988.

ScB        Chemistry, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 1985.

Concurrent University Appointments
  • Core faculty, Center for Policy Research on Energy and Environment (C-PREE), School of Public and International Affairs.
  • Associated Faculty, High Meadows Environmental Institute
  • Associated Faculty, Andlinger Center for Energy and Environment
  • Associated Faculty, Geosciences department
  • Associated Faculty, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences program
  • Associated Faculty, Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies
  • Executive Committee Andlinger Center for Energy and Environment
  • Executive Committee M.S. Chadha Center for Global India
  • Director of Doctoral Studies, School of Public and International Affairs

Professor Mauzerall analyzes the impacts of energy technology choices on air quality, public health, food security and greenhouse gas mitigation. Her group conducts policy-relevant scientific research utilizing regional and global atmospheric chemistry/climate models as well as atmospheric, agricultural, and epidemiological data. She collaborates widely with scholars in a variety of fields. Recent research also examines international energy financing of coal and renewable energy. The group has published papers in Nature, Nature Sustainability, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, as well as in a variety of top disciplinary journals.


CEE/ENV/ENE 334 SPI452.  Global Environmental Issues
SPI594s.  Climate Change:  Science and Policy

Selected Publications