Jürgen Hackl

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Office Phone
E322 Engineering Quad

PhD Civil Engineering Science, ETH Zurich, CH 2019

CAS Risk and Safety, ETH Zurich, CH 2015

MSc Structural Engineering, TU Graz, AT 2013

MSc Construction Management, TU Graz, AT 2012

BSc Civil Engineering Science, TU Graz, AT 2011


Honors, Awards, DISTINCTIONS

  • Outstanding Reviewer for ISARC (2021)
  • ETH Medal (2020)
  • Building and Infrastructure Promotion Award (2019)
  • Runner-up for Software on Dynamical Systems Theory (2018)
  • National Award for the Best Diploma (2012)

Research interests

Dr. Hackl's research focuses on complex infrastructure systems, intelligent risk and resilience assessments to climate change, as well as integrated solutions to future challenges facing our cities and society. His research interests lie at the interface between formal methods in network sciences and their integration with prevailing simulation methods, such as digital twins. He is particularly interested in developing scalable data analytics and machine learning techniques for spatial-temporal networks applied to dynamic processes in complex multiscale civil engineered systems to open and interconnect new perspectives for, e.g., modeling of usage, behavior, and performance; analysis of system integration; as well as detection of systemic risks in socio-technical systems. Another aspect of his work covers integrating these data-driven approaches with physics-based models to create digital twins that can learn from and update based on multiple data sources, as well as represent and predict the current and future conditions of their physical counterparts.

Open Positions

Dr. Hackl is looking to recruit PhD students in the field of complex infrastructure systems, network science, and computational modeling. Interested candidates can email Dr. Hackl, providing their (i) motivation letter, (ii) CV, and (iii) 2-5 pages research idea/plan; (optional iv) a link to a 3-min video presenting the research idea is preferred but not a must.

Selected Publications