PhD Chemistry (physical), University of Colorado, Boulder, 1999.
Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Atmospheric Chemistry Program Boulder, Colorado
BA Chemistry, Rice University Houston, Texas, 1994
Concurrent University Appointments
- Director of Graduate Studies, CEE
- Executive Committee, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
Honors, Awards, DISTINCTIONS
- NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team
- NCAR Advanced Study Program Postdoctoral Fellowship
Professor Zondlo's research activities focus on the sources, sinks, and distributions of trace gases important for understanding air quality, the carbon and nitrogen cycles, and climate change. Professor Zondlo’s group develops and deploys new optical-based sensors to make innovative field measurements as part of large, multi-disciplinary field studies. They aim to bridge spatiotemporal scales from in-situ to remote sensing measurements to achieve a more complete understanding of the atmosphere and anthropogenic activities on the environment.
CEE/GEO/CHM/ENE 311, Global Air Pollution
CEE/AOS 593, Aerosol Chemistry and Physics
Google scholar profile https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BEJ7FHIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao