Reza Moini

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Office Phone
E324 Engineering Quad

PhD         Civil Engineering, Purdue University, Purdue, Indiana, 2020

MS          Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2015

BS           Civil and Environmental Engineering, Qom University, Qom, Iran, 2009

  • Associated Faculty, Princeton Robotics Initiative
  • Associated Faculty, Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM)
  • Associated Faculty, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment (ACEE)
Honors, Awards, DISTINCTIONS
  • P. Moore, Jr., Faculty Achievement Award, American Concrete Institute, 2024. 
  • Howard B. Wentz Jr. Junior Faculty Award, Princeton University, 2024
  • CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, 2023
  • Best Dissertation Award, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 2020 
  • Inaugural Lyles Teaching Fellow, Purdue University, 2019
  • American Concrete Pavement Association, Concrete Pavement and Materials Science Scholarship, 2018 & 2019
  • Portland Cement Association Education Foundation’s J. P. Gleason Research Fellowship, 2015
Research interests

Dr. Moini’s research is focused on bio-inspired design and development of architected materials using novel additive manufacturing processes and automated robotic technologies for applications in civil infrastructure. His work is motivated by the intellectual challenge of understanding the mechanics of intrinsically brittle engineering materials and the development of ductile and flaw-tolerant responses using biomimetic design principles and new material assemblies. Such materials can provide advanced functionality and damage-tolerant behaviors and allow for asking interesting questions about the interplay between desired materials properties such as toughness and strength. Dr. Moini's other areas of research include integrated multi-component autonomous manufacturing, early-age deformations of colloidal materials in additive processes, packing and solidification of particulate systems, and applying interior tomography techniques to understand the processing-structure-function relationships in architected and additively manufactured brittle ceramic and cement-based materials.

CEE374: Autonomous Fabrication and Robotics (Fall)
CEE531 / MSE 531: Materials and Processes (Spring)
Open Ph.D. Positions

Dr. Moini is hiring Ph.D. students with background and interest in the fracture mechanics of architected materials, robotics, advanced manufacturing processes, and inorganic material science. Interested candidates can email Dr. Moini, providing their CV, motivation letter (why you are interested in joining the lab), and a 1-page summary of their research plan/idea. Please DO NOT send repeated emails, as we receive a large number of emails every day.

Selected Publications